ODP.MBA - Master of Business Administration (online)
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Program Description
Modality. Point University offers the M.B.A. in fully-online format. Point Online students engage in asynchronous learning through a course website that facilitates interaction with their instructor and classmates. Students typically complete the program by taking one course per session over a two-year period.
Learning Outcomes
Program Purpose and Student Learning Objectives
Purpose. The M.B.A. prepares students to glorify God in business vocations by enabling them to lead and manage organizational performance across business functions effectively and ethically.
The master’s program builds on undergraduate foundations to accomplish the following student learning objectives:
Objective 1: Graduates effectively design and execute quantitative and qualitative research to answer business questions.
Objective 2: Graduates use appropriate statistical tests to analyze business data.
Objective 3: Graduates interpret research results to make sound business decisions.
Objective 4: Graduates apply appropriate techniques to create productive work culture and to facilitate employee engagement.
Objective 5: Graduates use effective persuasion and negotiation techniques to achieve business objectives.
Objective 6: Graduates demonstrate knowledge of current marketing strategy and practice, including mobile and social media marketing.
Objective 7: Graduates use marketing research to uncover unmet consumer needs and to evaluate marketing programs intended to satisfy them.
Objective 8: Graduates execute new product/service development processes to satisfy unmet consumer needs.
Objective 9: Graduates apply sound analytical techniques to understand and interpret financial data.
Objective 10: Graduates use data analytics to make financial decisions that increase eco-nomic value and improve financial results.
Objective 11: Graduates integrate Judeo-Christian ethical principles into their organizational leadership.
Objective 12: Graduates critically examine the values, assumptions, biases, cultural norms, and worldviews of themselves and others in order to work and lead effectively in multicultural environments.
Recommended Course Sequence
Recommended Course Sequence. As online students prepare to enter their program, academic advisors prepare a customized course schedule, or “plan of study,” mapping out which courses students should complete in which sessions from start to graduation. These customized plans take into account degree requirements, transfer credits, pace of study, and other factors toward the goal of speeding students to the finish line in the shortest time possible.
MBA students are only permitted to take one course per 8-week session during their first two 8-week sessions in the program. To enroll in more than one course per 8-week session, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 after the most recent GPA evaluation (evaluated at the end of the 16-week fall, spring, and summer terms). The student may request an additional course for the upcoming session provided the GPA requirement is met and the additional course is already on the academic schedule with a seat available. Students are not permitted to add additional courses during the 5-week Summer 1 session due to the condensed curriculum.
Due to course requirements, MKTG 515 Business Intelligence, ACCT 555 Cost Management & Decision-Making and ACCT 535 Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation may not be paired with an additional course in an 8-week session without approval from the MBA Program Coordinator.
Special Considerations
Requirement for course credit. In addition to the requirements for academic standing for graduate listed here, students must pass graduate classes with a grade of “C” or above. If a student earns a “D” in a class, the student must repeat the class.