ODP.MTM - Master of Transformative Ministry (online)
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Program Description
Modality. Point University offers the Master of Transformative Ministry degree in fully-online format. Point Online students engage in asynchronous learning through a course website that facilitates interaction with their instructor and classmates.
Learning Outcomes
Program Purpose and Student Learning Objectives
Purpose. The Master of Transformative Ministry program equips students for dynamic leadership roles in churches and parachurch organizations that embrace the emerging Kingship of God. The master’s program builds on undergraduate foundations to accomplish the following student learning objectives:
Theology of Transformation
Objective 1: Students summarize the biblical metanarrative and Christians’ role in it.
Objective 2: Students perceive the redemptive movement of God’s Spirit in large and small manifestations of God’s Kingship.
Objective 3: Students describe biblical and historical examples of holistic ministry and social action that embody God’s Kingship.
Objective 4: Students articulate a personal philosophy of ministry rooted in the Chris-tian Scriptures and the Missio Dei.
Objective 5: Students employ sound exegetical and hermeneutical principles in interpreting and applying the Christian Scriptures.
Objective 6: Students promote the Kingship of God through biblically-grounded teaching and preaching.
Personal Transformation
Objective 7: Students engage with classic spiritual disciplines and writings that promote spiritual formation (i.e. being with Christ, becoming like Christ, and engaging in the work of Christ).
Objective 8: Students articulate and apply principles of servant leadership after the model of Christ.
Objective 9: Students articulate and apply strategies for developing spiritually mature Christian leaders.
Objective 10: Students demonstrate a working knowledge of legal and ethical standards for ministry professionals.
Community Transformation
Objective 11: Students demonstrate understanding of human development across the lifespan and the characteristics of “healthy” relationships.
Objective 12: Students apply basic family systems theory to analyze interpersonal dynamics and nurture healthy relationships in common ministry situations.
Objective 13: Students demonstrate “cultural agility” by articulating the key elements of a “culture,” analyzing the culture of a given community, and forming ministry strategies appropriate for the cultural context.
Objective 14: Students analyze and explain contemporary models of holistic ministry employed by “missional” churches and parachurch organizations.
Objective 15: Students demonstrate basic counseling and referral skills needed to help others interface with social services, such as relief agencies and counseling services.
Organizational Transformation
Objective 16: Students reflect on trends that may shape the future of the Church and the world.
Objective 17: Students practice essential leadership functions that prepare organizations for the future, including analyzing organizational culture, vision casting, renewing the organizational life cycle, strategic planning, project manage-ment, and change management.
Objective 18: Students employ best practices in management in areas such as organizational development, employee and volunteer recruitment and engagement, and budget development and monitoring.
Objective 19a: Students reflect on models and best practices for church reproduction.
Objective 19b: Students employ key principles for developing and supporting nonprofit organizations in areas such as marketing, fundraising, and public relations.
Lifelong Learning
Objective 20: Students critically engage thought leaders in key areas of ministry.
Objective 21: Students research issues and formulate practical, contextualized approach-es to ministry challenges.
Objective 22: Students sharpen their skills and strengthen their character through men-tored ministry experiences.
Recommended Course Sequence
Recommended Course Sequence. As online students prepare to enter their program, academic advisors prepare a customized course schedule, or “plan of study,” mapping out which courses students should complete in which sessions from start to graduation. These customized plans take into account degree requirements, transfer credits, pace of study, and other factors toward the goal of speeding students to the finish line in the shortest time possible.