RDP.AABU - AA Business (residential)
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Program Description
Modality. Point University offers the A.A. in Business in on-ground format at its main campus in West Point, Georgia. An online "course companion" includes a gradebook and supplementary materials.
Learning Outcomes
Program Purpose and Student Learning Objectives
Purpose. The purpose of the A.A. in Business degree program is to provide a first level of preparation for students to function with effectiveness in a business environment.
The A.A. in Business builds on Point University’s mission, values, and Core Curriculum (General Studies and Character Formation) to accomplish the following student learning objectives:
Objective 1: Utilize written and oral communication in a business environment.
Objective 2: Utilize information systems using current software for word processing, data management, and business presentations.
Objective 3: Demonstrate knowledge of accounting, management, and marketing principles.
Objective 4: Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills in relationships in one-on-one and group situations.
Recommended Course Sequence
Recommended Course Sequence for A.A. in Business |
FIRST YEAR BBS 102 The Drama of Scripture (3) MGM 209 Computer Information Systems (3) EFT 101 Effective Thinking (1) ENG 101 Critical Reading & Writing I (3)+ ENG 102 Critical Reading & Writing II (3)+ HIS ___ History core elective (3) MTH 120 College Algebra [or higher] (3) NSC _/_L Natural Science course w/Lab (4) PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology (3) SOC ___ Sociology core selection (3) General Elective (1) TOTAL CREDITS: 30
+Take these courses in consecutive terms ++Consecutive terms recommended | SECOND YEAR BBS 202 Jesus: The Focus of Scripture (3) MGM 203 Business Analytics (3) ACT 211 Financial Accounting (3)++ ACT 212 Managerial Accounting (3)++ MGM 225 Principles of Management (3) MGM 238 Business Communication (3) [WE] MKT 247 Principles of Marketing (3) COM 205 Public Speaking (3) HFA core selections 1-2 (6) TOTAL CREDITS: 30 |