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RDP.AABU - AA Business (residential)

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Program Title

AA Business

Program Description

The Associate of Arts degree program in Business provides a first level of preparation for students to function with effectiveness in a business environment. Graduates with A.A. degrees in Business are engaged in entry-level management positions, office positions, and baccalaureate level study.

Modality. Point University offers the A.A. in Business in on-ground format at its main campus in West Point, Georgia. An online "course companion" includes a gradebook and supplementary materials.

Learning Outcomes

Program Purpose and Student Learning Objectives

Purpose. The purpose of the A.A. in Business degree program is to provide a first level of preparation for students to function with effectiveness in a business environment.

The A.A. in Business builds on Point University’s mission, values, and Core Curriculum (General Studies and Character Formation) to accomplish the following student learning objectives:

Objective 1:   Utilize written and oral communication in a business environment.

Objective 2:  Utilize information systems using current software for word processing, data management, and business presentations.

Objective 3:  Demonstrate knowledge of accounting, management, and marketing principles.

Objective 4:  Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills in relationships in one-on-one and group situations.

Recommended Course Sequence

Recommended Course Sequence for A.A. in Business


BBS 102 The Drama of Scripture (3)

MGM 209 Computer Information Systems (3)

EFT 101 Effective Thinking (1)

ENG 101 Critical Reading & Writing I (3)+

ENG 102 Critical Reading & Writing II (3)+

HIS ___ History core elective (3)

MTH 120 College Algebra [or higher] (3)

NSC _/_L Natural Science course w/Lab (4)

PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology (3)

SOC ___ Sociology core selection (3)

General Elective (1)



+Take these courses in consecutive terms

++Consecutive terms recommended


BBS 202 Jesus: The Focus of Scripture (3)

MGM 203 Business Analytics (3)

ACT 211 Financial Accounting (3)++

ACT 212 Managerial Accounting (3)++

MGM 225 Principles of Management (3)

MGM 238 Business Communication (3) [WE]

MKT 247 Principles of Marketing (3)

COM 205 Public Speaking (3)

HFA core selections 1-2 (6)