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RDP.BABSP - BA Biblical Studies and Preaching Ministry (residential)

Program Code


Program Title

BA Biblical Studies and Preaching Ministry

Program Description

In this Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) program, students complete both a Biblical Studies Major and a Preaching Major. The Biblical Studies Major includes textual studies in New Testament and Old Testament, historical-theological studies, and studies in biblical languages (Greek or a combination of Greek and Hebrew). The Preaching Ministry Major develops competencies essential to leadership ministry in church and parachurch settings, including preaching and teaching, pastoral care and counseling, spiritual formation, and church administration. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) version of this program includes a foreign language requirement while the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) version does not.

Graduates with the B.A. in Biblical Studies and Preaching Ministry typically enter church-related professions and many go on to pursue graduate studies. Alumni of Point University are engaged in ministries throughout the country and the world as preaching ministers, missionaries in foreign countries, student ministers, evangelists, prison ministers, chaplains, Christian university professors and administrators, campus ministers, Christian camp directors, church administrators, parachurch leaders, church planting ministers, inner-city ministers, and educational ministers who work with children, youth, singles, adults, and families.

Modality. Point University offers the B.A. in Biblical Studies and Preaching Ministry in on-ground format at its main campus in West Point, Georgia. An online "course companion" includes a gradebook and supplementary materials.

Learning Outcomes

Program Purpose and Student Learning Objectives

Purpose. The B.A. program in Biblical Studies and Preaching Ministry prepares students for effective leadership ministry in church and parachurch settings, with an emphasis on preaching ministry.

The dual major in Biblical Studies and Preaching Ministry builds on Point University’s mission, values, and Core Curriculum (General Studies and Biblical Studies) to accomplish the following student learning objectives:

 Biblical Studies Major

Objective 1: Exegete specific texts in the Old and New Testaments.

Objective 2: Demonstrate an awareness of basic matters of critical introduction and historical background necessary to a proper understanding of the Old and New Testaments.

Objective 3: Participate in critical engagement with the various interpretations that have been assigned to the Old and New Testaments.

Objective 4: Communicate the theological themes of the Old and New Testaments.

Objective 5: Explain and apply biblical concepts of church and ministry.

Objective 6: Utilize biblical Greek or a combination of biblical Greek and biblical Hebrew.

Preaching Ministry Major

Objective 7:   Apply an exegetical understanding of a scriptural text in writing biblical sermons.

Objective 8:  Apply theological themes of the Old and New Testaments to current life issues through preaching.

Objective 9:  Plan, prepare, and deliver biblically and theologically sound sermons of a variety of forms.

Objective 10: Understand and apply biblical concepts of church and ministry in a variety of contexts.

Objective 11: Lead and serve in order to facilitate purposeful, growing, and healthy congregational life.

Recommended Course Sequence

Recommended Course Sequence. A recommended course sequence for full-time on-ground students appears below. Academic advisors will help students adjust the sequence if, for example, they have transferred credits from other universities. 

Recommended Course Sequence for B.A. in Biblical Studies and Preaching Ministry


BBS 102 The Drama of Scripture (3)

EFT 101 Effective Thinking (1)

ENG 101 Critical Reading & Writing I (3)+

ENG 102 Critical Reading & Writing II (3)+

HIS ___ History core elective (3)

HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities (3)

MTH 115 Quantitative Reasoning [or higher] (3)

NSC _/_L Natural Science course w/Lab (4)

OTS 210 The Story of Israel (3)

PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology (3)

SOC 103 Introduction to Sociology (3)



BBS 201 Biblical Interpretation (3)

BBS 202 Jesus: The Focus of Scripture (3)

COM 205 Public Speaking (3)

MIN 202 Educational Ministries (3)

MIN 313 Practice of Christian Ministry(3) [WE]

NTS 203 The Acts of the Apostles (3)

OTS ___ Old Testament elective 1 (3)

PRM 201 Introduction to Preaching (3)+

PRM 320 Advanced Preaching (3)+

THE 301 Theological Foundations for Chr. Life (3)



GRK 301 Greek I (4)+

GRK 302 Greek II (4)+

HFA core selection (3)

MIN 340 Christian Spiritual Formation (3)

NTS 308 Epistles of Paul (3)

NTS ___ New Testament elective (3)

OTS ___ Old Testament elective 2 (3)

PRM 403 Expository Preaching (3)

THE 451/MUS 335 Worship (3)

THE Theology selection (3)



+Take these courses in consecutive terms


HIS ___ Church History elective (3)

Greek or Hebrew selection 1 (3)+

Greek or Hebrew selection 2 (3)+

MIN 317/CHS 415 Pastoral Counseling (3)

MIN 400 Admin. & Leadership in Ministry (3)

MIN 464 Healthy Congregations (3)

PRM 475 New Testament/Preaching Seminar (3)

PRM 490 Studies in Preaching (3)

PRM 497 Preaching Ministry Internship (6)

THE 405 Christ, Culture & Career (3) [WE]