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RDP.BAHIS - BA History (residential)

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Program Title

BA History

Program Description

The B.A. in History program creates an important framework for under-standing the present and influencing the future. Students begin with foundational courses in American and world history. A variety of in-depth upper-level courses are available for students in U.S. history and world history. Research and writing are emphasized in the program, as well as hands-on experiences through internships and study abroad. Graduates are prepared to pursue advanced studies in individual or interdisciplinary programs within history. For information on additional procedures and guidelines for this major, see the Registrar or an academic advisor in the department.

Modality. Point University offers the B.A. in History in on-ground format at its main campus in West Point, Georgia. An online "course companion" includes a gradebook and supplementary materials.

Learning Outcomes

Program Purpose and Student Learning Objectives

Purpose. The purpose of the B.A. in History program is to create an important frame-work for understanding the present and influencing the future.

The History Major builds on Point University’s mission, values, and Core Curriculum (General Studies and Biblical Studies) to accomplish the following student learning objectives:

Objective 1: Demonstrate an advanced level of reflective, critical and original thinking.

Objective 2: Develop an appreciation for history and the craft of the historian.

Objective 3: Describe the important institutional and cultural developments in world history.

Objective 4: Demonstrate an understanding of a comprehensive Christian worldview.

Objective 5: Identify the events and people that have shaped history.

Objective 6:   Pursue advanced studies in individual or interdisciplinary programs within history.

Recommended Course Sequence

Recommended Course Sequence. A recommended course sequence for full-time on-ground students appears below. Academic advisors will help students adjust the sequence if, for example, they have transferred credits from other universities.

Recommended Course Sequence for B.A. in History


BBS 102 The Drama of Scripture (3)

EFT 101 Effective Thinking (1)

ENG 101 Critical Reading & Writing I (3)+

ENG 102 Critical Reading & Writing II (3)+

HIS 104 World History I (3)

HIS 105 World History II (3)

HUM 101 Introduction to Humanities (3)

MTH 115 Quantitative Reasoning [or higher] (3)

NSC _/_L Natural Science course w/Lab (4)

PSY 103 Introduction to Psychology (3)

SOC 103 Introduction to Sociology (3)


                                 SECOND YEAR

BBS 202 Jesus: The Focus of Scripture (3)

COM 205 Public Speaking (3)

Foreign Language course 1 (4)+

Foreign Language course 2 (4)+

HFA core selection (3)

HIS 103 U.S. Government (3)

HIS 250 United States History I  (3)

HIS 251 United States History II (3)

HIS or HUM History Elective (3)

SOC/HIS 214 Geography (3)



BBS 304 Scripture: Reading & Interpretation (3)

BBS ___ Biblical Studies elective (3)

Foreign Language course 3 (3)+

Foreign Language course 4 (3)+

HIS or HUM History electives (9)

General electives (9)



+Take these courses in consecutive terms


HIS 430 Historiography with Georgia History (3)

HIS or HUM History Electives (6)

HIS 495 Senior Thesis: History (3) [WE]

HIS 497 History Internship or Study Abroad (6)

THE 405 Christ, Culture & Career (3) [WE]

General electives (5)